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Assembly Guide for RedBot with Shadow Chassis


Assembly Guide for RedBot with Shadow Chassis a learn.sparkfun.com tutorial

Available online at: http://sfe.io/t337


The RedBot is robotic development platform capable of teaching basic robotics and sensor integration! Based on the SparkFun RedBoard and programmable in the Arduino environment, the RedBot has all the I/O you need to make a small robot in no time at all. This guide covers the new Shadow Chassis for the RedBot.

Completed RedBot SIK

NOTE: We recommend that you read all of the directions first, before building your RedBot.

RedBot Kit vs. SIK for RedBot

This tutorial will cover how to install all the parts in the SparkFun RedBot Kit and the SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for RedBot (SIK for RedBot).

The SIK for RedBot contains a few extra parts in addition to the RedBot Kit that are covered in this guide. Please ignore any instances of the extra sensors if you do not need to assemble them. Sections pertaining to these extra parts will be marked with (SIK). This is some kind of warning.

RedBot Kit

If you have the RedBot Kit, you can skip the steps marked with (SIK).

RedBot Kit

Alternatively, you can pick up additional sensors to install on your RedBot. These parts include the Wheel Encoder Kit, RedBot Buzzer, and twoRedBot Mechanical Bumpers. Follow the sections in this guide that covers any of the extra sensors you might have.

SIK for RedBot

If you have the SIK for RedBot, you can follow all the sections in this guide, including those marked with (SIK).

Completed RedBot SIK


The RedBot kit contains the following pieces. SIK-only parts are noted with an asterisk (*).

RedBot Kit parts

ABottom Chassis Plate1
BTop Chassis Plate1
CFront Motor Mount2
DRear Motor Mount2
ESide Strut4
FEncoder Mount2
GMainboard Mount2
HBattery Pack Clip1
ILine Follower Mount1
JLine Follower Mount Plate1
MNub Caster1
N*Encoder Magnet Plate (SIK)2
O*Encoder Hall Effect Sensor (SIK)2
PRedBot Mainboard1
QLine Follower Board3
RAccelerometer Board1
S*Buzzer Board (SIK)1
T*Bumper Board (SIK)2
U*Bumper Whisker (SIK)2
V*#4-40 x 3/8" Screw (SIK)6
W*#4-40 Nylon Standoff (SIK)2
X*#4-40 Hex Nut (SIK)2
Y3-Wire Jumper Cable (SIK)3 (5*)
ZBattery Holder1
AA*AA Batteries (SIK)4
AB*Screwdriver (SIK) (Not Shown)1
* Indicates parts included in the SIK for RedBot

IMPORTANT: If you have the RedBot Kit, you will need 4x AA batteries.

Recommended Tools

None! The RedBot Kit does not require any additional tools. The SIK for RedBot comes with a screwdriver, which you will need to mount the Bumper Boards. If you bought the Bumper Boards separately, you will need a Phillips screwdriver.

WARNING: Do not attempt to remove chassis parts by squeezing them with pliers. You will break them, and the robot will be sad.

You're going to have a bad time

A Note About Directions

When we talk about the “front,” “left,” “right,” and “back” of the RedBot, we are referring to specific sides of the robot when viewed from above.

Directions on the RedBot

Notice that we consider the Mainboard to be on the “back” of the RedBot and the Bumper Whiskers and Line Follower Boards to be in the “front.”

1. Wheel Encoders (SIK)

Read on if you have the SIK for RedBot or are using the Wheel Encoder Kit. If not, skip to the next section.

The Wheel Encoder Kit is a simple add-on to any wheeled robot that can help measure the speed or distance the chassis travels.

Locate the Following:

1x Bottom Chassis Plate (A)2x Encoder Mount (F)2x Motor (K)
Bottom Chassis PlateEncoder MountMotor
2x Encoder Magnet Plate (N)2x Encoder Hall Effect Sensor (O)
Encoder Magnet PlateEncoder Hall Effect Sensor

Add the Magnets

Slide the Encoder Magnet Plates (N) onto the metal shaft on the back of the Motors (K). Note that magnet side (silver) should face away from the motor.

Magnet plate

Attach the Hall Effect Sensors

Left Encoder

Take one of the Encoder Mounts (F) and hold it so that the protruding slot is on the left. Push one of the encoder sensors through the first slot on the right. Note that the front of the sensor (marked “A 20L”) is facing to the left.

Adding hall effect sensor

Loop the sensor and push it through the second (middle) slot. The “A 20L” marking should now be facing to the right.

Looping left encoder

Once more, push the sensor through the protruding slot on the left. Carefully pull the wires so there is no more slack in the mount. Make sure the whole sensor can be seen coming out of the final slot and the markings “A 20L” is pointing away from the mount (to the left in the picture).

Hall effect sensor in mount

Snap the assembled encoder mount into the back-left vertical slot of the Bottom Chassis Plate (A).

Left hall effect sensor in place

Right Encoder

The right encoder is a mirrored assembly of the left encoder.

Take the other Encoder Mount (F) and hold it so that the protruding slot is on the right. Push the other encoder sensor through the first slot on the left. Note that the front of the sensor (marked “A 20L”) is facing to the right.

Assembling right encoder

Loop the sensor and push it through the second (middle) slot. The “A 20L” marking should now be facing to the left.

Through the middle slot

Once more, push the sensor through the protruding slot on the right. Carefully pull the wires so there is no more slack in the mount. Make sure the whole sensor can be seen coming out of the final slot and the markings “A 20L” is pointing away from the mount (to the right in the picture).

Assembled right hall effect sensor

Snap the assembled encoder mount into the back-left vertical slot of the Bottom Chassis Plate (A). Note that the hall effect sensors are facing to the outside of the chassis.

Hall effect sensors on chassis

2. Motors and Wheels

The motors add some motion to the RedBot by turning the nice, rubbery wheels.

NOTE: If you completed the previous Wheel Encoder (SIK) step, your motors will each have an encoder magnet plate attached to their rear shaft. However, they are not necessary to complete this step.

Locate the Following:

2x Front Motor Mount (C)2x Rear Motor Mount (D)2x Motor (K)
Front motor mountRear motor mountMotor
2x Wheel (L)

Attach Rear Motor Mounts

Hold the wires close to the middle of the Motor (K), and carefully slide a Rear Motor Mount (D) over the top of the motor.

Attaching rear motor mounts

Twist the Rear Motor Mount so that it snaps in place on the motor and the wires are centered in the grove of the motor mount.

Twist rear motor mount into place

Repeat the process for the second motor.

Both rear motor mounts on the motors

Attach the Front Motor Mounts

Slide a Front Motor Mount (C) onto the protruding eyelet on the front of a Motor (K). Ensure the rounded sides of the motor mounts are facing the same way.

Front motor mount

Repeat the process for the second motor.

Attach all the mounts!

Add the Motor Assemblies

Snap one of the motor assemblies into the left 2 horizontal slots of the Bottom Chassis Plate (A). Make sure that the rounded edges of the motor mounts and the wires are facing the inside of the RedBot.

Left motor attached

Snap the other motor assembly into the right 2 horizontal slots of the Bottom Chassis Plate (A). Make sure that the rounded edges of the motor mounts and the wires are facing the inside of the RedBot.

All the motors attached

Attach the Wheels

Slide one Wheel (L) onto the plastic shaft of a motor (K). Make sure to line up the inside notches of the wheel to the motor shaft notches.

Alide on a wheel

Repeat with the other wheel.

Ready to roll

3. Line Follower

In this section, you will be putting standoffs on the RedBot Sensor - Line Followers. Then you will add the sensors to your chassis.

Locate the Following:

1x Line Follower Mount (I)1x Line Follower Mount Plate (J)3x Line Follower Board (Q)
Line follower mount mountFront motor mount plateLine follower board
3x 3-Wire Jumper Cable (Y)
Jumper cable>

Construct the Line Follower Assembly

Attach the 3 Line Follower Boards (Q) to the Line Follower Mount (I) such that the rectangular pegs in the Line Follower Mount poke through the mounting holes in the Line Follower Boards. Make sure the sensors are facing away from the clip of the mount.

Line follower boards on mount

Place the Line Follower Mount Plate (J) on top of the Line Follower Mount (I) so that the center clip of the Line Follower Mount is poking through the center slot of the Line Follower Mount Plate.

Plate on top of line follower boards

Attach the Cables

You will need to connect a 3-Wire Jumper Cable (Y) to each of the Line Follower Boards (Q). Note the color of the wire attached to each pin.

Line Follower Connections:

Jumper Wire ColorRedBot Sensor - Line Follower

Attach all 3 cables to the 3 Line Follower Boards.

Attach cables to line follower boards

Add the Line Follower Assembly

Snap the line follower assembly into bottom of the front horizontal slot of the RedBot. Route the cables through the large hole in the bottom plate.

Line follower boards added to chassis

4. Mechanical Bumpers (SIK)

Read on if you have the SIK for RedBot or are using the Mechanical Bumpers. If not, skip to the next section.

You will need to prepare the music wire by bending the wire itself. Then, you will add standoffs and screws to your mechanical bumpers, followed by adding the mechanical bumpers to the RedBot chassis.

Locate the Following:

1x Top Chassis Plate (B)2x Bumper Board (T)2x Bumper Whisker (U)
Top chassis plateBumper boardLine follower mount mount
6x #4-40 x 3/8" Screw (V)2x #4-40 Nylon Standoff (W)2x #4-40 Hex Nut (X)
2x 3-Wire Jumper Cable (Y)1x Phillips Screwdriver (AB)
Jumper cableScrewdriver

Prepare the Mechanical Bumpers

Using a Phillips screwdriver (AB), screw a #4-40 x 3/8" screw (V) and #4-40 hex nut (X) to one of the two large mechanical bumper holes.

Screw and nut in one side of bumper

Time to bend the whisker! It is easy to bend the whisker with needle nose pliers. However, there is a trick to bend the whisker using the mechanical bumper PCB itself. First, stick one of the whiskers (U) through one of the smaller side holes. It only needs to stick out a little bit.

Wire through hole

Bend the whisker 90 degrees.

Benting the wire

Bend the whisker 90 degrees again.

Benting the wire even more

Now that the whisker is bent, take the wire out of the PCB hole. Add a #4-40 x 3/8" Screw (V) from the bottom, and loop the bent whisker around the screw. It is very important that you do not let the whisker touch the other side’s #4-40 hex nut or screw, since that is what triggers the sensor. Leave a little space between the wire and other side’s nut.

Wire looped around screw

Twist a #4-40 nylon standoff on top of the screw to secure the wire.

Adding standoff

Double check that the wire does not touch the other side’s #4-40 hex nut and #4-40 x 3/8" screw.

Do not let the wire and the nut touch

Do this for the other mechanical bumper. Take note of which side your #4-40 x ¾" standoff is on for the first mechanical bumper. Do the opposite for the other bumper. Double check that there is one mechanical bumper that has a #4-40 x ¾" standoff on the right side of the “RedBot Bumper” silkscreen and one that has a #4-40 x ¾" standoff on the left side.

Do the opposite for the other music bumper

Add the Bumpers

Locate the horizontal slot on the front of the Top Chassis Plate (B).

Front slot

Using two #4-40 x 3/8" Screws (V), tighten down the bumper assemblies with the two wires pointing in opposite directions on the bottom side of the top chassis plate. The mechanical bumpers' header pins should be pointing toward the chassis piece.

Screwing in bumper boards

Attach the Cables

You will need to connect a 3-Wire Jumper Cable (Y) to each of the Bumper Boards (T). Note the color of the wire attached to each pin.

Bumper Connections:

Jumper Wire ColorRedBot Sensor - Line Follower

Attach both cables to the 2 Bumper Boards.

Cables attached to bumper boards

Route the cables through the left and right oval cutouts, respectively.

Cables through cutouts

5. Chassis

With the motors and a few sensors attached, we can assemble the main body of the robot.

Locate the Following:

4x Side Strut (E)1x Nub Caster (M)
Side strutNub caster

You will also need the Top Chassis Plate and Bottom Chassis Plate assemblies, which have any additional parts and sensors you attached in previous steps.

Attach the Nub Caster

Snap the Nub Caster (M) into the slot on the back of the Bottom Chassis Plate assembly. Make sure the Nub Caster is on the side opposite the motors (the bottom side).

Adding the ball caster

Add the Side Struts

Snap the four Side Struts (E) into the diagonal slots on the four corners of the Bottom Chassis Plate assembly.

Adding the side struts

Route the Cables

Position the Top Chassis Plate assembly over the Bottom Chassis Plate assembly. Route the wires and cables through the left and right oval slots in the Top Chassis Plate assembly as shown. Note that SIK-only cables are listed with an asterisk (*).

Cable Routing:

Cable ConnectionOval Side
Left Bumper Sensor*Left
Right Bumper Sensor*Right
Left Line FollowerLeft
Middle Line FollowerRight
Right Line FollowerRight
Left Motor wires (red and black)Left
Right Motor wires (red and black)Right
Left Wheel Encoder*Left
Right Wheel Encoder*Right
* Indicates parts included in the SIK for RedBot

Cables through cutouts

Attach Top Chassis Plate Assembly

Carefully snap the Top Chassis Plate assembly onto the side struts and motor mounts. If you have the Bumpers installed, make sure the boards are between the top and bottom plates.

Snap top plate to side struts

6. Mainboard

In this section, you will add brains of the robot: the RedBot Mainbooard.

Locate the Following:

2x Mainboard Mount (G)1x RedBot Mainboard (P)
Mainboard mountRedBot Mainboard>

You will also need the full chassis assembly, which contains any additional parts and sensors you attached in previous steps.

Attach the Mainboard Mounts

Snap the two Mainboard Mounts (G) into the vertical slots in the back of the top chassis plate.

Add mainboard mounts

Add the Mainboard

Snap the Mainboard (P) into the lowest of the notches on the Mainboard Mounts (G). Make sure the power jack is facing the left side of the robot.

Add the mainboard

Connecting the Cables

It is time to connect the jumper wires; it’s really important that the connections are right.

Pin Out

You can follow along with the pin out tables or scroll down for a Fritzing diagram. If you have the RedBot Kit, you do not need to connect the sensors from the SIK. Sensors for the SIK will be marked with (SIK).

Please note: When you have the RedBot upright and the front of the chassis facing away from you, “left” sensors/motors will be on the left side and “right” sensors/motors will be on the right side.

RedBot directions

Left Line Follower:

RedBot Mainboard PinsJumper WiresLeft Line Follower Board
A33-Wire Jumper Cable - WhiteOUT
5V3-Wire Jumper Cable - RedVCC
GND3-Wire Jumper Cable - BlackGND

Middle Line Follower:

RedBot Mainboard PinsJumper WiresMiddle Line Follower Board
A63-Wire Jumper Cable - WhiteOUT
5V3-Wire Jumper Cable - RedVCC
GND3-Wire Jumper Cable - BlackGND

Right Line Follower:

RedBot Mainboard PinsJumper WiresRight Line Follower Board
A73-Wire Jumper Cable - WhiteOUT
5V3-Wire Jumper Cable - RedVCC
GND3-Wire Jumper Cable - BlackGND

Left Mechanical Bumper (SIK):

RedBot Mainboard PinsJumper WiresLeft Bumper Board
33-Wire Jumper Cable - WhiteOUT
POW3-Wire Jumper Cable - Red5V
GND3-Wire Jumper Cable - BlackGND

Right Mechanical Bumper (SIK):

RedBot Mainboard PinsJumper WiresRight Bumper Board
113-Wire Jumper Cable - WhiteOUT
POW3-Wire Jumper Cable - Red5V
GND3-Wire Jumper Cable - BlackGND

Left Motor:

RedBot Mainboard PinsLeft Motor Jumper Wires
LEFT MOTOR - REDSoldered on Motor Jumper Wire - RED
LEFT MOTOR - BLACKSoldered on Motor Jumper Wire - BLACK

Right Motor:

RedBot Mainboard PinsRight Motor Jumper Wires
RIGHT MOTOR - REDSoldered on Motor Jumper Wire - RED
RIGHT MOTOR - BLACKSoldered on Motor Jumper Wire - BLACK

Left Wheel Encoder (SIK):

RedBot Mainboard PinsJumper WiresLeft Wheel Encoder
A23-Wire Jumper Cable - WhiteOUT
POW3-Wire Jumper Cable - Red5V
GND3-Wire Jumper Cable - BlackGND

Right Wheel Encoder (SIK):

RedBot Mainboard PinsJumper WiresRight Wheel Encoder
103-Wire Jumper Cable - WhiteOUT
POW3-Wire Jumper Cable - Red5V
GND3-Wire Jumper Cable - BlackGND

Fritzing Diagram

How to connect the RedBot Mainboard

Look at all those connections! Having a hard time seeing the image? Click on the Fritzing image to see a bigger diagram.

7. Accelerometer

Time to add the RedBot accelerometer! If you do not have headers on your accelerometer already (older revisions of the RedBot accelerometer did not have headers), we recommend soldering on female headers to your accelerometer to fit on top of the RedBot Mainboard’s headers.

Locate the Following:

1x Accelerometer Board (R)
RedBot Accelerometer

Add the RedBot Accelerometer

Locate the SENSOR port with “A4” and “A5” marked on the RedBot Mainboard. Line up the “A4” pin on the accelerometer to the “A4” male header pin on the RedBot Mainboard, and attach the Accelerometer Board (R).

Adding the accelerometer to the RedBot

8. Buzzer (SIK)

Read on if you have the SIK for RedBot or are using the RedBot Buzzer. If not, skip to the next section.

Adding the RedBot Buzzer is nice and easy!

Locate the Following:

1x Buzzer Board (S)
RedBot Buzzer

Add the RedBot Buzzer

Locate the SERVO port with “9” marked on the RedBot Mainboard. With the buzzer and female header side of the Buzzer Board (S) facing to the left, place the Buzzer Board on top of the “9”, “POW”, and “GND” male header pins.

Adding the buzzer to the RedBot

9. Batteries

We need to give some power to the RedBot. If you do not have the SIK for RedBot, you will need to provide your own AA batteries.

Locate the Following:

1x Battery Pack Clip (H)1x Battery Holder (Z)4x AA Batteries* (AA)
Battery pack clipBattery packBattery
* Provided in the SIK for RedBot

Insert Batteries

Insert the AA batteries into the Battery Holder (Z). Makes sure the batteries are facing the correct direction, as per the markings inside of the Battery Holder.

Insert AA batteries

Attach Battery Pack

Insert the Battery Holder (Z) with batteries into the back cavity of the RedBot. Have the barrel jack cable facing to the left of the robot.

Instert battery pack

Insert the Battery Pack Clip (H) on top of the battery pack.

Insert battery pack clip

Twist the clip so that it rests on top of the battery pack.

Attach battery pack clip

Push the clip down into the vertical slots in the Bottom Chassis Plate so it snaps in place.

Snapping battery pack clip into the RedBot

Route the barrel jack cable out of the left side of the RedBot and up to the Mainboard. Plug it into the barrel jack adapter labeled V_IN.

Plug in the batteries

Changing the Batteries

If you find that you need to replace the batteries in the RedBot, the process is simple. Unplug the battery pack from the Mainboard.

Unplug batteries

Turn the RedBot over and push on the Battery Holder through the hole in the Bottom Chassis Plate. This will cause the Battery Pack Clip to unsnap from the Bottom Chassis Plate.

Push on battery pack to unsnap it

Slide the Battery Pack and Clip out from the back of the RedBot.

Remove battery pack and clip

Change the batteries, and follow the steps in Attach Battery Pack section above to put the Battery Pack back in the RedBot.

Resources and Going Further

What a rock star! With all that building, we bet you are ready to start cruising. We recommend continuing to the Experiment Guide for RedBot with Shadow Chassis to learn how to program your new robot friend.


Experiment Guide for RedBot with Shadow Chassis

This Experiment Guide offers nine experiments to get you started with the SparkFun RedBot. This guide is designed for those familiar with our SparkFun Inventors Kit and want to take their robotics knowledge to the next level.


You might have noticed some odd-looking hole patterns in the top plate and side struts. The RedBot’s chassis is manufactured to accept Actobotics parts. Feel free to add other mounts, gimbals, servos, and claws!

Actobotics upgrades!


GitHub repositories:

learn.sparkfun.com |CC BY-SA 3.0 | SparkFun Electronics | Niwot, Colorado

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